porepy.numerics.time_step_control module

This module contains a routine for iteration-based time-stepping control.

The algorithm is heavily inspired by [1], which was later used in [2].

[1] Simunek, J., Van Genuchten, M. T., & Sejna, M. (2005). The HYDRUS-1D software package for

simulating the one-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably-saturated media. University of California-Riverside Research Reports, 3, 1-240.

[2] Varela, J., Gasda, S. E., Keilegavlen, E., & Nordbotten, J. M. (2021). A

Finite-Volume-Based Module for Unsaturated Poroelasticity. Advanced Modeling with the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox.

Algorithm Overview:

Provided recompute_solution = False, the algorithm will adapt the time step based on iterations. If iterations is less than the lower endpoint of the optimal iteration range, then it will increase the time step by a factor iter_relax_factors[1]. If iterations is greater than the upper endpoint of the optimal iteration range it will decrease the time step by a factor iter_relax_factors[0]. Otherwise, iterations lies in the optimal iteration range, and time step remains unchanged.

If recompute_solution = True, then the time step will be reduced by a factor recomp_factor with the hope of achieving convergence in the next time level. The algorithm will keep decreasing the time step unless: (1) the time step is equal to the minimum admissible time step or (2) the number of recomputing attempts has been exhausted. In both cases, an error will be raised.

Now that the algorithm has determined a new time step, it has to ensure three more conditions, (1) the calculated time step cannot be smaller than dt_min, (2) the calculated time step cannot be larger than dt_max, and (3) the time step cannot be too large such that the next time will exceed a scheduled time. These three conditions are implemented in this order of precedence and will override any of the previous calculated time steps.

Algorithm Workflow in Pseudocode:


time_manager // time step control object properly initialized iterations // number of non-linear iterations recompute_solution // boolean flag

IF time > final simulation time THEN



IF constant_dt is True THEN

RETURN dt_init


IF recompute_solution is False THEN

RESET counter that keeps track of number of recomputing attempts IF iterations < lower endpoint of optimal iteration range THEN

DECREASE dt // multiply by an over relaxation factor > 1

IFELSE iterations > upper endpoint of optimal iteration range THEN

INCREASE dt // multiply by an under relaxation factor < 1


PASS // dt remains unchanged


IF number of recomputing attempts has not been exhausted THEN
IF dt is equal to dt_min THEN

RAISE Error // since recomputation will not have any effect

ENDIF SUBTRACT dt from current time // we have to “go back in time” DECREASE dt // multiply by recomputation factor < 1 INCREASE counter that keeps track of number of recomputing attempts


RAISE Error // maximum number of recomputing attempts has been exhausted



IF dt < dt_min THEN

SET dt = dt_min


IF dt > dt_max THEN

SET dt = dt_max


IF time + dt > a scheduled time THEN

SET dt = scheduled time - time



class TimeManager(schedule, dt_init, constant_dt=False, dt_min_max=None, iter_max=15, iter_optimal_range=(4, 7), iter_relax_factors=(0.7, 1.3), recomp_factor=0.5, recomp_max=10, print_info=False)[source]

Bases: object

Parent class for iteration-based time-stepping control routine.

  • schedule (ArrayLike) –

    Array-like object containing the target times for the simulation. Unless a constant time step is prescribed, the time-stepping algorithm will adapt the time step so that the scheduled times are guaranteed to be hit.

    The schedule must contain minimally two elements, corresponding to the initial and final simulation times. Schedules of size > 2 must contain strictly increasing times. Examples of VALID inputs are: [0, 1], np.array([0, 10, 30, 50]), and [0, 1*pp.HOUR, 3*pp.HOUR]. Examples of INVALID inputs are: [1], [1, 0], and np.array([0, 1, 1, 2]).

    If a constant time step is used (constant_dt = True), then the time step (dt_init) is required to be compatible with the scheduled times in schedule. Otherwise, an error will be raised. Examples of VALID inputs for constant_dt = True and dt_init = 2 are: [0, 2] and np.array([0, 4, 6, 10]). Examples of INVALID inputs for constant_dt = True and dt_init = 2 are [0, 3] and np.array([0, 4, 5, 10]).

  • dt_init (Union[int, float]) – Initial time step. The initial time step is required to be positive and less or equal than the final simulation time.

  • constant_dt (bool) – Whether to treat the time step as constant or not. If True, then the time-stepping control algorithm is effectively bypassed. The algorithm will NOT adapt the time step in any situation, even if the user attempts to recompute the solution. Nevertheless, the attributes such as scheduled times will still be accessible, provided dt_init and schedule are compatible.

  • dt_min_max (Optional[tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]]) –

    Minimum and maximum permissible time steps. If None, then the minimum time step is set to 0.1% of the final simulation time and the maximum time step is set to 10% of the final simulation time. If given, then the first and second elements of the tuple corresponds to the minimum and maximum time steps, respectively.

    To avoid oscillations and ensure a stable time step adaptation in combination with the relaxation factors, we further require:

    dt_min_max[0] * iter_relax_factors[1] < dt_min_max[1], and dt_min_max[1] * iter_relax_factors[0] > dt_min_max[0].

    Note that in practical applications, these conditions are usually met.

  • iter_max (int) – Maximum number of iterations.

  • iter_optimal_range (tuple[int, int]) – Optimal iteration range. The first and second elements of the tuple correspond to the lower and upper endpoints of the optimal iteration range.

  • iter_relax_factors (tuple[float, float]) – Relaxation factors. The first and second elements of the tuple corresponds to the under-relaxation and over-relaxation factors, respectively. We require the under-relaxation factor to be strictly lower than one, whereas the over-relaxation factor is required to be strictly greater than one. Note that the values of iter_relax_factors must be selected such that they avoid oscillations in combination with dt_min_max. Refer to the documentation of dt_min_max for the explicit condition to be satisfied.

  • recomp_factor (float) – Failed-to-converge solution recomputation factor. Factor by which the time step will be multiplied in case the solution must be recomputed. We require recomp_factor to be strictly less than one.

  • recomp_max (int) – Failed-to-converge maximum recomputation attempts. The maximum allowable number of consecutive recomputation attempts.

  • not. (print_info. Whether to print on-the-fly time-stepping information or) –

  • print_info (bool) –


# The following is an example on how to initialize a time-stepping object time_manager = pp.TimeManager(

schedule=[0, 10], dt_init=0.5, dt_min_max=(0.1, 2), iter_max=10, iter_optimal_range=(3, 8), iter_relax_factors=(0.9, 1.1), recomp_factor=0.1, recomp_max=5, print_info=True

) # To inspect the attributes of the object print(time_manager)


Time step.




Initial time step.




Min and max time steps.


tuple[Union[int, float], Union[int, float]]


Constant time step flag.




Maximum number of iterations.




Optimal iteration range.


tuple[int, int]


Relaxation factors.


tuple[float, float]


Recomputation factor. Strictly lower than one.




Maximum number of recomputation attempts.




List of scheduled times including initial and final times.




Current time.




Final simulation time.




Initial simulation time.



compute_time_step(iterations=None, recompute_solution=False)[source]

Determine next time step based on the previous number of iterations.

See also Algorithm Overview and Algorithm Workflow from the module documentation.

  • iterations (Optional[int]) – Number of non-linear iterations. In time-dependent simulations, this typically represents the number of iterations for a given time step. A warning is raised if iterations is given when recompute_solution = True or constant_dt = True.

  • recompute_solution (bool) – Whether the solution needs to be recomputed or not. If True, then the time step is multiplied by recomp_factor. If False, then the time step will be tuned accordingly.


Next time step if time < final_time. None, otherwise.

Return type



Increase simulation time by the current time step.

Return type



Increase time index counter by one.

Return type


static is_schedule_in_simulated_times(schedule, sim_times, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08)[source]

Checks if schedule is a proper subset of sim_times for given tolerances

Reference: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/7784#issuecomment-848036186

  • schedule (ndarray) – First array.

  • sim_times (ndarray) – Second array.

  • rtol (float) – Relative tolerance.

  • atol (float) – Absolute tolerance.


True if all times in schedule intersect the elements of sim_times with relative tolerance rtol and absolute tolerance ``atol`. False otherwise.

Return type
