porepy.geometry package

This package contains functionality for geometry manipulation.

Most of these functions and classes have been developed for the purpose of working with fracture geometries, notably for meshing purposes. Since the functions have been written on demand, the coverage is spotwise compared to what would be expected from a full computational geometry package. Nevertheless, the package contains quite a few useful functions, and familiarity with the content is highly recommended for users who need to deal with geometry computations.


Many of the functions will have a parameter tol, which is used to determine the tolerance of the geometric operations. One example would be how close two points must be to be considered equal. In its simplest form, the tolerance is tied to the machine precision, however, it is sometimes useful to take a more relaxed approach. For example, if points are very close to each other, but not considered equal, this may lead to extremely fine meshes in the vicinity of the points, which is usualy not desirable. Also, the accuracy in a chain of geometric operations may be considerably lower than that of indivdiual operations. The general recommendation is to leave the tolerance parameter at its default value(s), which has proven sufficient to obtain stable behavior during standard usage of PorePy.

The content of this package is organized as follows:

bounding_box contains functions for computing bounding boxes from point clouds, as well as Grid and MixedDimensionalGrid objects.

constrain_geometry contains functions that can be used to impose constraints on geometric objects, including truncation of line segments to a polygon and of polygons to a polyhedron.

distances contains functions for computing distances between points, line segments and polygons.

geometry_property_checks contains functions for inquiries on geometric properties, e.g., whether a point is inside a polygon.

half_space contains a set of functions relating to geometries defined by a combination of linear constraints of the type ax + by <= c or the equivalent 3d expression.

intersections contains functions for computing intersections between various combinations of segments and polygons. The module also provides functions for intersecting simplex tessalations in 1d and 2d.

map_geometry is a collection of functions for mapping Grid objcets as well as lines and polygons into lower-dimensional spaces. The module also provides functions for computing normal and tangential vectors for point clouds.

point_in_polyhedron_test contains a helper class for testing if a point is contained in a (non-convex) polygon.
