2. How to build documentation

PorePy’s documentation is built using Sphinx. In this section you will find information on requirements and instructions on how to build and inspect the documentation of your source code, using PorePy’s configurations.

The following packages are required:

  1. sphinx

  2. sphinx-rtd-theme

You can instal above packages using pip in your working environment. Make sure they are installed in the same environment as the PorePy version you are currently working with.

After installing the required packages you need to get all files necessary for the build. They can be found on the docs branch on GitHub. Checkout this branch and copy the directory /docs/ somewhere so you can access it after switching back to your branch or environment.

Copy the /docs/ directory into your /porepy/ repository on the same level as /porepy/src, i.e. /porepy/docs/. Go to /porepy/docs/ and run the following command:

  • Linux: make html

  • Windows (Powershell): .\make.bat html

This will run the Sphinx builder and create a local version of PorePy’s documentation in /porepy/docs/html/.

To inspect the webpage, open porepy/docs/index.html in a browser. Navigate through the documentation and inspect what you want.

2.1. Re-building the complete API

PorePy uses sphinx-apidoc to produce a complete documentation of the package.

It will produce the complete webpage structure using sphinx-autodoc by importing Porepy as is. You do not have to (and should not) deal with the details, as PorePy has a complete Sphinx configuration in place. Your code must be compatible with the latest style guid and PorePy settings.

If you want to re-build the webpage/rst structure from scratch, you can use the target complete:

  • Linux: make complete html

  • Windows (Powershell): .\make.bat complete html

This option will run apidoc as configured by PorePy before the builder, and it will produce the whole structure (stored in /porepy/docs/docsrc/porepy/).

Use porepy/docs/index.html again as the entrypoint to inspect the docs.


Running the build from scratch is especially important if the structure of the PorePy package is modified.

I.e. any new module or package, function, class or data which is added after the last run of apidoc (including modifications of __all__ in Python files) must first be included into the webpage structure using apidoc.


PorePy’s documentation is a work in progress. Not all docstrings have been re-worked such that they can be processed by Sphinx. Any compilation will as of now yield numerous errors and warnings.

The builder should not fail though and you will obtain a displayable webpage.

2.2. Building the documentation for LaTex

If you want to build the documentation for LaTex, to be subsequently compiled into a pdf, use the target latex instead of html

  • Linux: make [complete] latex

  • Windows (Powershell): .\make.bat [complete] latex

The output is stored in /porepy/docs/latex/.


PorePy does not include a LaTex engine or respective compilation. You have to install an engine by yourself and compile the pdf manually using the files created in /porepy/docs/latex/.

2.3. Building and inspecting local docs

During development it is often necessary to inspect the docs of a single module or Python code.

It is time-consuming to build the whole PorePy documentation every time you make minor local changes. To avoid that you can build your own webpage which compiles only the docs you want to inspect.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Create an own page /porepy/docs/my_page.rst as a rst file and write a title inside your file

    My Page Title
  2. Open /porepy/docs/index.rst and navigate to the section Documentation.

  3. Modify the TOC tree such that it points to my_page.rst, i.e. replace




    This will replace the PorePy pages with your own.

  4. Use an autodoc-directive of your choice to import the code you wish to build.

    If you have created new code, say /porepy/src/porepy/my_package/my_module.py, you can add the following lines in my_page.rst to have your code included:

    .. automodule:: porepy.my_package.my_module

    This will import every member available in your my_module.py file and build respective docs.

    Provide the complete namespace to your file, i.e. porepy.my_package.my_module. The file name alone will not suffice.

    Run the make command again to build your docs. It might be necessary to run it several times for Sphinx to realize the changes.

  5. Open again porepy/docs/index.html and you will find a link to your webpage instead of a link to PorePy’s documentation on the main page.

  6. Inspect your documentation, modify your Python code, run make and repeat until you are done.

There are solutions to update the webpage in realtime without having to re-run the Sphinx builder. They rely mostly on third-party software and are not included in PorePy. Feel free to use them on your own responsibility.


When working on docstrings and inspecting your documentation, make sure you resolve all errors and warnings Sphinx produces!

If your code is to be included into the main branch, an error- and warning-free documentation will be required.